The Japanese group’s journal “A.I.P.P.I.” latest issue (Vol 48, No.5) is now available to all AIPPI members
17 Nov 2023 | Newsletter
The AIPPI Japanese Group is pleased to inform you that the latest issue (Vol 48, No.5) of the Japanese Group’s e-journal “A.I.P.P.I.” is now available to all AIPPI members. You can view the contents page for this issue below.
Since 1965, the Japanese Group has been publishing its bimonthly journal “A.I.P.P.I.” in English for the purpose of disseminating information on the Japanese intellectual property system to foreign countries.
AIPPI members can read the entire issue online (not available for download or print). We hope that many AIPPI members around the world will find it interesting.
Back issues are also available in the Members Area of the AIPPI website at “Member Info” on “Dashboard”.