Have a look at the 2023 AIPPI Highlights
15 Dec 2023 | Newsletter
Reflecting on a year full to bursting, it is impossible to mention all aspects. But I would like to highlight a few memorable AIPPI 2023 moments.
With the Spring Meeting, we launched a new meeting format in between Congresses this year in Venice, supporting the Trilateral Meeting (IT-FR-ES) the day before. Participants appreciated the format and valued the panel session topics that were selected, giving some AIPPI Young Members an opportunity as a speaker.
Unforgettable is the very successful AIPPI World Congress in Istanbul. Many of you mentioned the Turkish hospitality, the venues, and the opportunity to meeting so many people, which made it a special event and Congress. We all enjoyed the scientific work, the in-depth discussions, and the networking opportunities in a fantastic atmosphere.
On top of the in-person meetings, we were able to facilitate several webinar sessions, for you to stay connected and to discuss various IP topics. I would like to highlight the Scan the Globe Webinar series that gives lesser represented jurisdictions a voice. It was started in 2022, and in 2023 we held 2 sessions for the Middle East and Latin America – great team spirit and speakers. The 2nd to highlight about webinars is our longstanding and close collaboration with ASIPI, through which we held 4 webinars on Traditional Knowledge. And of course, we supported many more National Groups on their local events and webinars.
Throughout the year, you must have heard about AIPPI’s efforts for young members. The Young AIPPI Members Committee executed the Young Summit for the 2nd time. It was an exciting full day virtual event from young members for young members.
Collaboration with governmental organisations is a key element of the AIPPI work, to promote the AIPPI Resolutions and to get you heard. Through continuous collaboration, we continued the bilateral meetings with EPO, WIPO and WTO, and we’re working on intensifying the collaboration with more organisations.
All our efforts and successes are shared through a very active Social Media community presence, led by LinkedIn as the main channel. But the Newsletter you read right now, is as well a key element to stay ahead of all upcoming news. 2024 will for sure be another year of new ideas and development.
2023 was an intense year, and it was a successful year. Now is time to take a moment to rest, to enjoy the festive season and to start energised into 2024. I’m very much looking forward to continuing working with you. See you in 2024!