First Central American and Caribbean AIPPI Group Annual Congress took place on 21st July in San Salvador, El Salvador

11 Aug 2023 | Newsletter

This year, the AIPPI – Central American and Caribbean Group took on the task to provide its members, and the regional IP community, with the opportunity of an In-Person Congress. Thanks to the collaborative spirit of the local IP association, Asociacion Salvadoreña para la Propiedad Intelectual (ASPI), the event came together and finally took place in the City of San Salvador, at the beautiful Hotel Barcelo on July 21st.

The congress had an agenda consisting of three academic activities. After a few gracious words of welcome by the group’s president and ASPI’s current president, Mrs. Edna Lopez, it took off with a Master Lecture by former Brigadier General of the Colombian Police Force Juan Carlos Buitrago on Forgery, with the participation of Julio Vargas, group board member, as moderator.

This was followed by a lively Round Table discussion by Yessenia Granillo JD from El Salvador and, Mr. Juan Felipe Acosta from Colombia. The Round Table was moderated by group treasurer Blanca Mejia from Honduras and touched on the relevance of IP on the Digital Market sphere and the 4th Industrial Revolution in general. The conversation soon turned into an open discussion in which the audience had the opportunity to express their opinions on good practices and regulatory viability.

The third and final activity consisted on a workshop centered around a fictitious Trade Secrets Case. Juan Jose Mendez from Mexico and group president Santiago Mayora conducted the activity in groups divided amongst all participants, called to discuss and provide their legal opinions on how this case should be resolved.

Throughout the day, participants interacted with each other during coffee breaks and a wonderful garden court lunch.

Closing remarks were delivered by Group Vice President, Estuardo Jauregui from Guatemala.

See the video: