2023 Copyright Forum Of AIPPI China Website

The 2023 AIPPI China Copyright Forum was successfully held in Beijing on December 9, 2023, which attracted around 200 participants, including renowned scholars, judges, lawyers, as well as experts from streaming platforms, the music industry, AI industry and others.

Mr. YU Cike, Executive Vice Chairman of the Copyright Society of China, and Mr. Chuanhong Long, Vice President of AIPPI China, delivered the opening speeches, which was moderated by Richard Yi Li, Secretary-General of AIPPI China.

Prof. Ying Du, director of the IP Research Center and professor at Central University of Finance and Economics, announced the Top Ten Copyright Cases in 2023, which were briefly commented by Judge ZHANG Xiaoxia from Beijing IP Court.

The Forum was structured into two sessions. In the Keynote Speech session, we were honored to have Judge Changxin Zhao from Beijing Internet Court, Prof. Yang Li, and Prof. Qi Xiong spoke on hot issues in copyright, while Allen Wang, Chairman of the Copyright Committee of AIPPI China, briefly introduced the 2023 AIPPI Resolution on copyright and the study question on copyright for the 2024 AIPPI Congress in Hangzhou. The session was moderated by Ms. Yanrong Li, board member of AIPPI China.

Three topics were discussed in the panel discussion session, i.e. Copyright Protection in Film and Music, Copyright Infringement in Fan Fiction from an Academic Standpoint, and Copyright Protection in the Metaverse and AIGC.

Lena Shen, Assistant Reporter General of AIPPI, wrapped up the meeting at the Closing, and encouraged participants to attend the 2024 AIPPI Congress in Hangzhou next October.