The 2024 AIPPI China Youth IP Seminar was held successfully in Datong of Shanxi Province on June 14-15, 2024 with nearly 100 attendees.

The 2024 AIPPI China Youth IP Seminar was held in Datong of Shanxi Province on June 14-15, 2024 with nearly 100 attendees from across China, most of which are young lawyers, patent or trademark attorneys.

Heather Lin, Vice President of AIPPI China, addressed the audience at the Opening,which was moderated by Richard Yi Li, Secretary-General of AIPPI China. Annie Tsoi, Former Secretary General of AIPPI, was invited to share her skills and experiences in communicating effectively in the second languages at meetings, forums and other occasions, Annie’s presentation was well received and welcome by the attendees.

This year, the Seminar was divided into eight sessions and five panel discussions covering various topics in IP. Altogether, 51 speakers participated in presentations.

Session I Patent Filing & Prosecution

Session II AI Patent Practice

Session III Trademark Practice (1)

Session IV (in Japanese) Patent Law & Practice

Session V Pharma Patent Practice

Session VI (in Japanese) Trademark Law & Practice

Session VII Trademark Practice (2)

Session VIII Patent Litigation and Licensing

Panel Discussion I TM use in different procedures

Panel Discussion II Protection of Design

Panel Discussion III China IP Disputes Facing Multinational Companies

Panel Discussion IV AI: accelerating the advent of future, IP: shaping the future of AI

Panel Discussion V IP protection of V2X SEPs

Two distinguished judges from the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) and two senior examiners from the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) were also invited to speak (in English) on different topics.

Ms. Yali Shao, Board member of AIPPI China wrapped up the meeting and expressed her gratitude to the moderators and speakers for their contribution to the Seminar.

AIPPI China organized the first Youth IP Seminar in 2014 and hosted the event every year since then, providing young members an opportunity to polish their skills in delivering presentations in English or Japanese, exchanging insights on IP and networking with fellow IP professionals.